Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Benefits of a High Immigrant Population Essay

Construction of Main Arguments The benefits of a high immigrant population are apparent in almost every walk of life. Their overall contribution to the general economy is show as a positive one and there improvements to the quality of the workforce are also quite note-worthy. First, let us turn our eyes to something that is indisputable in economics. Even among those who claim that immigration isnt beneficial still have to accept the fact that overall the United States gross domestic product (G.D.P) increases. The Center of Immigration studies Camarota Steven (Immigration and the U.S. Economy 2010) an opponent to immigration states that the G.D.P. is increased by 0.24 percent. This may seem small and insignificant, but remember†¦show more content†¦For the sake of their similarity we can group subjects two and three together as they both involve the transferal of knowledge from culture to culture. This has been the case ever since countries were able to mingle. Knowledge can be viewed as the combination of creativity plus labor multiplied by time. It would therefore be quite unlikely that everyone follows the same trail of creativity and therefore everyone will predictably come to a different goal. This makes immigrants very beneficial for the United States because they bring with them things that cant be quantitatively measured by physical resources. The increase to the diversity of the workforce is simply an easy means for business entities to increase the overall intelligence of there local worker populace. This benefit comes with no cost to the business itself. In learning a second language or even different dialects one receives an expansion of gray matter tissue within the brain (Voxel-based morphometry of the human brain, 2004). Even if the native-born populace doesnt speak with the immigrants the immigrants are still gaining brain matter from their use of the English language, so it is at different extents to which corporations can make this as set beneficial, but in all cases it is still something that helps them. With the overall boost to the knowledge and ingenuity of the company it should stand to reason that the small boost in G.D.P.Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States847 Words   |  4 PagesEspecially in light of the recent refugee crisis, there has been an influx of anti-immigration rhetoric, most of which identifies immigrants and refugees as criminal. This has brought to light an ongoing debate: is there a crime-immigration nexus? This paper will explore data from various studies that have examined not only a negative relationship between crime rates and immigration, but also evidence of protective and generational effects of immigration. 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